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TITLE sudoku

; Program Description:

; This program is a sudoku game generator and sudoku puzzle solver.

; According to the choices on the program you will chose if you want to produce a new puzzle, or to make the computer solve a puzzle given by you.

; When you chose to make the computer solve the puzzle for you, you will have to enter the number of values that the puzzle contains, and then, you will enter the non-zero

; values by firsly entering their coordinates (i and j). Attention! Enter the coordinate considering the puzzle a 2-dimensional array, which starts from index 0.

; so give the i and j values inside the range : [0, 8]


.model flat

; there are the prototypes of the procedures used in this program. They will be explained by adding comments in the beggining of each procedure inside dhe program code. Also there will be comments inside the procedures.

public _solver

public _generate

public _hideCells

public check_initial_puzzle

public solve

public check

public checkColumn

public checkColumn

public getValue

public checkGroup

public check_coordinate

public backtracking

public inc_current_value

public make0_current_value

grid EQU [ebp+8]

used_i EQU [ebp+12]

used_j EQU [ebp+16]

n EQU [ebp + 20]

seed EQU [ebp + 24]


value DWORD ?

counter DWORD 0

; group_i and group_j are the initial coordinates for a group. There are totally 9 groups. for example the first group's coordinate is 0, 0. The group found right to this has the coordinate 0, 3. and so on.

group_i DWORD ?

group_j DWORD ?

; current_i and current_j are very used in this program code, because almost all procedures need these two variables which are global.

; they express the current i and current j coordinates being currently used. So for example, when e procedure modifies them , there may be another procedure which takes the data stored in these 2 variables and manipulates it.

current_i DWORD 0

current_j DWORD 0

; this is a boolean which is 1 in case that the cell can be filled

;and it is 0 when the cell cannot be filled because it is the constant value comming in the sudoku puzzle.

not_constant DWORD ?

; index is used to move inside an array

index DWORD 0

; this is a string containin the 1-9 values which will be put randomly on an empty grid, after that the solve procedure is called in order to solve this grid

; and as a result a new solved random puzzle will be generated

one_to_nine DWORD 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

; the seed is taken from the main.cpp and it is stored in seed_value. after that the program changes it addind values of the adresses of the esi where currently

; the esi points. It is done in order to generate random values and in each program start these random values will be different, because seed takes the value from the function GetTickCount()

seed_value DWORD 0

no_solution DWORD 0


; The solve procedure is the place where other procedures are called in order to make this program work correctly. The algorithm to solve the sudoku puzzle consists on

; the bactracking rules. So it is something like brute-force but it has a better efficciency because when trying the new value it firstly checks the column, row and group.

; All the entered value's coordinates are stored in the used_i and used_j, which using the same index respectively, they express a value found in the grid (which is our puzzle)

; For example, let's assume that the value X has the coordinate i=4, j=6 and using the same index the coordinates are stored in used_i and used_j. for example used_i[index] and used_j[index]


mov esi, grid ;esi points to the start of the grid adress

mov current_i, 0

mov current_j, 0



cmp current_i, 8

jg out_i

cmp current_j, 8

jg out_j

call check_coordinate

cmp not_constant, 0

je next_cell


cmp no_solution, 1

je there_is_no_solution

call inc_current_value

call getValue

cmp value, 9

jg backtrack

call check

cmp eax, 0

jne next_value

jmp next_cell

;call inc_current_value


call make0_current_value

call backtracking

jmp next_value


inc current_j

jmp loop_j


inc current_i

mov current_j, 0

jmp loop_i


mov eax, 0

jmp end_solving


mov eax, 1



solve ENDP

_solver PROC NEAR

push ebp

mov ebp, esp

push esi

call check_initial_puzzle

cmp no_solution, 1

je wrong_puzzle

call solve

jmp ok


mov eax, 0


pop esi

pop ebp


_solver ENDP

; here is the procedure which will generate current_i and current_j randomly. In the same time, the string one_to_nine is read, and its elements are taken one by one and put in the grid.

_generate PROC NEAR

push ebp

mov ebp, esp

push esi

mov esi, used_i

mov ecx, 9

mov eax, seed

mov seed_value, eax


add seed_value, esi

;multiplying the seed_value with itself will make a new one, so the there will be a more random number to be generated

mov eax, seed_value

mov ebx, seed_value

mul ebx

add seed_value, eax

mov eax, seed_value

mov edx, 0

mov ebx, 9

div ebx

mov DWORD PTR [esi], edx

add esi, 4

loop randomizing_i

mov esi, used_j

mov ecx, 9


add seed_value, esi

mov eax, seed_value

mov edx, 0

mov ebx, 9

div ebx

mov DWORD PTR [esi], edx

add esi, 4

loop randomizing_j

mov esi, used_i

mov edi, used_j

mov index, 0

mov ecx, 9


mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi]

mov current_i, eax

mov eax, DWORD PTR [edi]

mov current_j, eax

push esi

mov esi, grid

mov eax, current_i

mov ebx, 9

mul ebx

add eax, current_j

mov ebx, 4 ;because each record contains 4 bits (DWORD)

mul ebx ;now in eax is stored the index of the value to check

add esi, eax

mov eax, index

mov eax, one_to_nine[eax]

mov DWORD PTR [esi], eax

pop esi

add esi, 4

add edi, 4

add index, 4

loop put_on_grid

call solve

pop esi

pop ebp


_generate ENDP

; after generating the new sudoku puzzle, the user may want to hide some cells in order to make this a real puzzle which can be solved.

_hideCells PROC NEAR

push ebp

mov ebp, esp

push esi

mov esi, grid

mov eax, seed

mov seed_value, eax

;70 means the number of loops to be made, so it means the number of new random coordinates. Many times, it may be possible that the same coordinate is generated. So it will put zero in the same coordinate. So, normally there are never 70 zeros in the puzzle.

mov ecx, 70


mov eax, seed_value

mov edx, 0

mov ebx, 81

div ebx

mov seed_value, eax

mov eax, edx

mov ebx, 4

mul ebx

push esi

add esi, eax

;multiplying the seed_value with itself will make a new one, so the there will be a more random number to be generated

mov eax, seed_value

mov ebx, seed_value

mul ebx

add seed_value, eax

mov DWORD PTR [esi], 0

pop esi

loop hiding

pop esi

pop ebp


_hideCells ENDP

; check groups the 3 other procedures to check the row, column and group

; if all of them result ok, also check procedure results ok.

check PROC

push esi

call checkGroup

cmp eax, 1

je wrong

call checkRow

cmp eax, 1

je wrong

call checkColumn

cmp eax, 1

je wrong

jmp true


mov eax, 1

jmp end_of_check


mov eax, 0


pop esi


check ENDP

checkRow PROC

mov esi, grid ;esi points to the start of the grid adress

call getValue

mov ecx, 9

mov esi, grid

mov eax, current_i

mov ebx, 9

mul ebx

mov ebx, 4

mul ebx

add esi, eax

mov counter, 0


mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ; one value of the current row

cmp eax, 0

je inRow_not_equal ; if it is 0, it means that there is an empty place which should not be considered temporarily

cmp value, eax

je inRow_is_equal

jmp inRow_not_equal


add counter, 1


add esi, 4

loop check_row

cmp counter, 1

jg inRow_not_correct

mov eax, 0 ; 0 means that the value can be put on that row

jmp inRow_ending


mov eax, 1 ; 1 means that the value can't be put on that row



checkRow ENDP

checkColumn PROC

mov esi, grid ;esi points to the start of the grid adress

call getValue

mov ecx, 9

mov esi, grid

mov eax, current_j

mov ebx, 4

mul ebx

add esi, eax ;now, esi is the index of the head of the column

mov counter, 0


mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ; one value of the current row

cmp eax, 0

je inCol_not_equal ; if it is 0, it means that there is an empty place which should not be considered temporarily

cmp value, eax

je inCol_is_equal

jmp inCol_not_equal


add counter, 1


add esi, 36 ; add 9*4 in order to pass in the next row, but remain still in the same column

loop check_column

cmp counter, 1

jg inCol_not_correct

mov eax, 0 ; 0 means that the value can be put on that row

jmp inCol_ending


mov eax, 1 ; 1 means that the value can't be put on that row



checkColumn ENDP

getValue PROC

mov eax, current_i

mov ebx, 9

mul ebx

add eax, current_j

mov ebx, 4 ;because each record contains 4 bits (DWORD)

mul ebx ;now in eax is stored the index of the value to check

mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi + eax]

mov value, eax


getValue ENDP

checkGroup PROC

mov esi, grid ;esi points to the start of the grid adress

call getValue

mov eax, current_i

cmp eax, 3

jb i_smaller_than3

cmp eax, 5

jg i_greater_than5

mov group_i, 3

jmp i_found


mov group_i, 0

jmp i_found


mov group_i, 6


mov eax, current_j

cmp eax, 3

jb j_smaller_than3

cmp eax, 5

jg j_greater_than5

mov group_j, 3

jmp j_found


mov group_j, 0

jmp j_found


mov group_j, 6


;now, we have the initial coordinates of the group : group_i and group_j.

mov eax, group_i

mov ebx, 9

mul ebx

add eax, group_j

mov ebx, 4 ;because each record contains 4 bits (DWORD)

mul ebx ;now in eax is stored the index of the value to check

add esi, eax ;esi has the adress of the initiation of the group index

mov ecx, 3

mov counter, 0


push ecx

mov ecx, 3


mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi]

cmp eax, 0

je inGroup_not_equal ; if it is 0, it means that there is an empty place which should not be considered temporarily

cmp value, eax

je inGroup_is_equal

jmp inGroup_not_equal


add counter, 1


add esi, 4

loop checkRowInGroup

pop ecx

add esi, 24 ; 6*4 = 24 This means that 6 cells will be passed in order to go to the next row of the same group

loop check_group

cmp counter, 1

jg inGroup_not_correct

mov eax, 0 ; 0 means that the value can be put on that row

jmp inGroup_ending


mov eax, 1 ; 1 means that the value can't be put on that row



checkGroup ENDP

; when giving the initial puzzle there are some cells which cannot be modified because they are given as a default. These coordinates expressing these cells are stored in the used_i and used_j arrays.

; this procedure checks the current_i and current_j if they are showing a cell which cannot be modified by the program.

check_coordinate PROC

push esi

push edi

mov not_constant, 0 ;initalize not_constant as false

mov esi, used_i

mov edi, used_j

mov ecx, n ; or used_i. this is the loop to check if that coordinate already exists in the board like a default puzzle value.


mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi]

cmp eax, current_i

jne value_no_exist

mov eax, DWORD PTR [edi]

cmp eax, current_j

je end_check ; the coordinate can't be changed. because there is a puzzle value in here, which is given in the initial unsolved puzzle.


add esi, 4

add edi, 4

loop check_coord

mov not_constant, 1 ; the required coordinate can be used because it is free.


pop edi

pop esi


check_coordinate ENDP

; this procedure goes back in the grid, but is uses the current_i and current_j values. If in a cell all the values from 1-9 are tried but none of them is possible to be put,

; then the backtracking procedure will decrease the current position and will go to a modifiable cell. And the job of backtracking finishes here.

backtracking PROC


cmp current_i, 0FFFFFFFFh

je wrong


dec current_j

cmp current_j, 0FFFFFFFFh

je out_backtrack_j

call check_coordinate

cmp not_constant, 0

je backtrack_j

jmp out_backtracking

jmp backtrack_j


mov current_j, 8

dec current_i

call check_coordinate

cmp not_constant, 0

jne out_backtracking

jmp backtrack_i


mov no_solution, 1



backtracking ENDP

; this procedure takes the grid adress (which is stored in esi), current_i and current_j. After thinking this as a 2-dimensional table, it calculates the value and uses it in the 1-dimensional grid.

; As it is seen below, it is multiplied by 4 because it uses DWORD and it is composed of 4 bits.

inc_current_value PROC

mov esi, grid

mov eax, current_i

mov ebx, 9

mul ebx

add eax, current_j

mov ebx, 4 ;because each record contains 4 bits (DWORD)

mul ebx ;now in eax is stored the index of the value to check

inc DWORD PTR [esi + eax]


inc_current_value ENDP

; this is like the inc_current_value but instead of increasing the value it makes it 0.

make0_current_value PROC

mov esi, grid

mov eax, current_i

mov ebx, 9

mul ebx

add eax, current_j

mov ebx, 4 ;because each record contains 4 bits (DWORD)

mul ebx ;now in eax is stored the index of the value to check

mov DWORD PTR [esi + eax], 0


make0_current_value ENDP

check_initial_puzzle PROC

mov esi, used_i

mov edi, used_j

mov ecx, n


mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi]

mov current_i, eax

mov eax, DWORD PTR [edi]

mov current_j, eax

push ecx

call check

pop ecx

cmp eax, 0

jne wrong_puzzle

add esi, 4

add edi, 4

loop checking_puzzle

jmp end_checking


mov no_solution, 1



check_initial_puzzle ENDP


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