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Some of the problems that the software engineers will face are developing systems that can be easily adapted to new business needs, systems for multicultural usage, systems that are attack resistant, end-users should be able to adapt to them quickly, and finding ways to validate, test, and maintain end-user development.

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Q: Apart from the challenges of heterogeneity rapid delivery and trust identify other problems and challenges that software engineering is likely to face in the 21st century?
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What does identify criteria mean in engineering?

constraint is a limit to design process and criteria is want

Why is it important to evaluate possible solutions during the engineering design process?

Brainstorming produces many ideas that will not work

Identify Application of biology in genetic engineering?

Genetic engineering is the artificial transplantation of Heriditary material[genes] of an organism. Genetic engineering is one of the most important field of biology.It has produced such varieties of plants and animals which can fulfill the requirements of food for 1 arge population. Genetic engineering is very important in the diagnosing of heriditary diseases e.g=Haemophilia, colour blindness e.t.c

WHAT IS Conceptual engineering in design activity?

The conceptual engineering aims to identify the machinery, equipment, supplies and facilities necessary to operate a project. By definition: A conceptual engineering study should logically consider the issues, concerns and goals that may be raised by an engineering request, evaluate possible technical solutions and clearly report the findings and recommendations. It is intended to provide a comparative basis for decision making regarding further actions, without expenditure of exhaustive engineering efforts. Further preliminary engineering (e.g., equipment layouts, geological studies, testing and inspections) may then be suggested for the recommended conceptual solution prior to full project funding commitment and detailed engineering design.

Would you identify a problem in mechanical engineering and develop a program to solve it by drawing a flowchart writing a pseudo code that satisfies the flowchart and write the c code for the program?

I really don't understand you.....

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Identify Application of biology in genetic engineering?

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