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a continuous gray scale from black to white

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: Analog data is defined or characterized as?
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Related questions

What is data analog?

analog data are continuous and take continuous values

What is encoding technique?

There are four possible combinations of encoding techniques -Digital data, digital signal -Digital data, analog signal -Analog data, digital signal -Analog data, analog signal

What is the difference between analog data and wireless data?

Analog data can be send through a wire = wired data Analog data can be send through the air = wireless data). "Wireless data", as in: "data travelling through the air" is always analog because it propagates as a continuous EM wave through the air

What is the data of the weather vane and is it analog or digital?


What is the difference between a modem and a codec?

* Codec is for coding analog data into digital form and decoding it back. The digital data coded by Codec are samples of analog waves. * Modem is for modulating digital data into analog form and demodulating it back. The analog symbols carry digital data.

What is digital transmission of analog data?

it means that you digitize analog data for transmission . Like 2 computer that chatting .

How is the way of the data is store in Windows?

Binary to Analog, Analog to Digital.

What is analog data in data communication?

vivian is dumb

Apakah perbedaan antara analog dan data digital secara umum?

apa perbedaan antara data analog dan data digital

What data is represented by an infinite scale of values?

Analog data

What is the signal type is characterized by continuous amplitudes in continuous time?

An analog signal is characterized by continuous amplitudes and continuous time.

Why is a modem needed for analog telephone lines?

A modem (which stands for Modulator-Demodulator) converts digital data from the computer to analog data compatible with the telephone system. The analog signal is converted back into digital data on the other end of the call.