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11.5 x 240 = 2760W motor.

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Q: An electric motor draws a current of 11.5 A in a 240 V circuit What is the power of this motor in W?
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What will be the effect if the d.c motor is directly connected across the supply without starter?

At zero rpm a dc motor draws a current that could be enough to blow the circuit breaker. In that case it is normal to place a resistor in series to limit the current to slightly below the circuit-breaker setting. The resistor is switched out after the motor runs up.

What allows the current to enter the electronromagnet in an electric motor?

The resistor allows current to enter the electromagnet in an electric motor. The resistor regulates the amount of current that enters the electric motor.

Why is generator armature harder to rotate when it is connected to a circuit and supplying electric current?

Because a generator extracts energy from whatever is rotating it and passes this (by the electric current it produces) down the circuit to the motor (or light bulb or heater) where it is used. When there is no complete electric circuit, no electricity can flow so no (little) energy is extracted, but when the circuit is closed, electricity does flow and the armature is more difficult to turn.

What size wire would you use to wire a motor that draws 16A from a circuit?


If you have a DC passing through a circuit will the current decrease when you add a DC motor and if so by how much?

In the circuit where the DC motor is added, it was not specified whether the motor was added in series or in parallel to circuit elements. If it was added in series, it will increase circuit resistance and it will cause circuit current to go down. In parallel, the motor will reduce total circuit resistance, and circuit current will increase.

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When the electric current runs through the wire loop of a motor it makes a?


Why do the bulbs dim when the refrigerator turns on?

The refrigerator has a motor load within it. When the refrigerator starts it draws a high current. This high starting current draws the voltage down until the refrigerator's motor (compressor) gets up to speed. A refrigerator is an appliance that should be on a dedicated circuit. This means that no other electrical devices should be connected to the refrigerators circuit. If the lights are dimming, then the refrigerator is on the same circuit as the lights.

What is the circuit for reversing an electric motor?


What is a complete electric ciruit?

A complete electric circuit is a closed loop through which an electric current can flow. It consists of a power source, such as a battery, wires to carry the current, and a load, such as a light bulb or motor, that operates using the current. If any part of the circuit is broken, the flow of electricity will stop.

What are examples of a load in a circuit?

Any specific device that draws a current which is connected within the circuit is an example of a circuit load. That may be a resistance and a loudspeaker LED computer and induction motor or whatever which can withdraw the energy from the output.

What will be the effect if the d.c motor is directly connected across the supply without starter?

At zero rpm a dc motor draws a current that could be enough to blow the circuit breaker. In that case it is normal to place a resistor in series to limit the current to slightly below the circuit-breaker setting. The resistor is switched out after the motor runs up.

What does an electric current need in order to flow?

An electric current needs a closed circuit, which provides a complete path for the flow of electrons. This circuit typically includes a power source, such as a battery or generator, connecting wires, and a load, such as a light bulb or motor, that utilizes the electricity. Without a closed circuit, electrons cannot flow continuously and no electric current is generated.

What allows the current to enter the electronromagnet in an electric motor?

The resistor allows current to enter the electromagnet in an electric motor. The resistor regulates the amount of current that enters the electric motor.

Why is generator armature harder to rotate when it is connected to a circuit and supplying electric current?

Because a generator extracts energy from whatever is rotating it and passes this (by the electric current it produces) down the circuit to the motor (or light bulb or heater) where it is used. When there is no complete electric circuit, no electricity can flow so no (little) energy is extracted, but when the circuit is closed, electricity does flow and the armature is more difficult to turn.

Why is a motor needed in a circiut?

A motor is not needed in a circuit, a motor is an electrical load for the current to drive, but the circuit can perform with other types of load - such as a lamp, a transformer, a heating coil, or any electronic load. if you mean 'why does an electric motor need a circuit?' this is because the motor is an electrical device which has coils of wire to produce a magnetic field, without the circuit it cannot function.

What size wire would you use to wire a motor that draws 16A from a circuit?


If you have a DC passing through a circuit will the current decrease when you add a DC motor and if so by how much?

In the circuit where the DC motor is added, it was not specified whether the motor was added in series or in parallel to circuit elements. If it was added in series, it will increase circuit resistance and it will cause circuit current to go down. In parallel, the motor will reduce total circuit resistance, and circuit current will increase.