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HTML itself doesn't change, no matter what editor you use.
Some developers prefer Notepad because it is simple and plain, requires no additional installations, does not strain the processor much and it's very unlikely to crash.
The major disadvantage of Notepad is its previously mentioned simplicity - code highlighting, opening several files at the same time, FTP connection, find & replace, auto indenting etc. are functions that Notepad lacks and which many developers expect of their editor.

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12y ago

HTML files are written in plain text. That means that you can use Notepad if you'd like. You can also use any of a variety of software, such as Dreamweaver or Notepad++. These often provide added benefits, such as syntax color-coding or access to previews and reference materials.

HTML was made using plain text to make it simple to write and easy to use. Without this, there's little chance it would have been adopted in the way that it was.

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12y ago

Notepad is a simple text-editing program. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is a programming language used in making websites. To save a note-pad document as a HTML file, simply save the file with ".html" or ".htm" following the name of the document. Note: renaming the file and adding ".html" or ".htm" does not save the document as a HTML file it only adds ".html" or ".htm" to the name. You must save the document and not rename it in order to convert it to a HTML file.

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9y ago

HTML works on any text editor that supports a valid charset. Since notepad is one of them, thus HTML supports it.

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What is the connection of a notepad with HTML tags?

You can use Notepad to write HTML pages, and HTML consists of tags. So you would be writing a lot of tags when using Notepad to create a HTML page.

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Which type of software is easiest to use to create html?

You can create HTML in microsoft notepad, but a good option is Dreamweaver.

What are the tools used in HTML?

The simplest tool is a basic text editor like Notepad. You can create HTML files using just that. You can get more sophisticated HTML editors and also specialised programs for web development, like Dreamweaver and Frontpage, that will help you create HTML.

How can you create a HTML documents?

You can create a HTML file in any of the text editors known. Notepad and various other IDE's are examples.

How do you insert a HTML into your website?

You need to create your complete website with HTML. Right and open it with notepad to view the HTML code.

How do you create an HTML file?

We write HTML coding in notepad and save it with .html extension. It will automatically open with internet explorer

How do you use notepad to make a webpage?

Using HTML Codes

Can you edit a HTML File using Notepad?

You can use notepad to open the source code file again. Open the folder it is in. Right click on it and pick Open With and choose Notepad. If you are using Internet Explorer, you can go to the View menu and pick View Source and it will open it in Notepad. When you make your changes, save the notepad document. Don't close it in case you want to make further changes. Return to the browser and refresh the page and the changes will be updated

Notepad won't let me save my HTML document?

See if you have access rights to save documents to the PC. There is no specific restriction with respect to HTML documents and saving them using notepad.

How do you view HTML on a PC?

To view the source code of an HTML document, open it using Notepad or a similar text processor (Notepad is best for HTML editing). To view the HTML document as it would look on the Internet, open it with any web browser.

How do you put a picture in a website using HTML codes?

Open notepad or whatever you write HTML with. Place the image you want in the same folder your HTML document is in. In your HTML document editor (Notepad) write the following- <img src=your images name.jpg> (or .GIF or . PNG whatever type of image you are using)