There are many different advantages of a microprocessor based system. Some of these include that it only uses 3 components so it is simple to use and install and it will increase your memory.
knowledge base system save time,cost and effort.
The advantages and disadvantages all type of power generation system based on the factors cost and fuel availability?
A microprocessor know whether the next byte is an instruction or data because the microprocessor knows for what it is looking. The bus, on the other hand, for an 8085 based system, knows an opcode from data by looking at S0 and S1 when IO/M- is low. If both are high, it is an opcode, otherwise it is data.
i. For measurements, display and control of current, voltage, temperature, pressure, etc. ii. For traffic control and industrial tool control. iii. For speed control of machines.
disadvantage: microcontrollers have got more comlex architecture than that of microprocessors so to understand it's functionality is quite difficult. advantage: microprocessors have got faster speed of execution than that of microprocessor.Also because of microcontroller embedded system got on the peak of it's development to make new electronc devices.
The advantages of downloading the main program into a microprocessor based system can be it can cause the system to run efficiently and the main program will be able to be easily accessed through the microprocessor system. Disadvantages can be due to errors they can happen due to system failure.
comuter which uses microprocessors for control task that is the microprocessor based computer system........
small size great speed therefore used in data acquisition system
which type of microprocessors are used in servers
A Microprocessor based system depends on the external peripherals such as RAM, ROM, Hard-disk and other devices, and work with any available operating system's, which the user can alter.A Micro-controller based system have all the peripherals built on a single silicon chip and programed for hardware specific implementation's, which the user cannot alter.ABHI
It isn't an issue of advantages, it is an issue of compatibility with your computer. The 64 bit operating system can take full advantage of the capabilities of a 64 bit microprocessor, if your computer has a 64 bit microprocessor. However a 64 bit operating system will not run at all if your computer has an older 32 bit microprocessor; you will have to use a 32 bit operating system on that computer.
Even though the 8085 is an 8 bit microprocessor, it can address 64K memory, because it has a 16 bit address bus.
Ans. In circuit emulator is an aid which allows a microprocessor based system to be' directly attached to an MDS system for testing. The program runs at true system speed. Facilities like single step program execution, breakpoints, real time trace facility etc. available with MDS can be utilised. By this approach, it provides substantial savings in time compared with attempts to debug each microprocessor individually.
Peng Seng Lau has written: 'Microprocessor-based floppy disc storage system'
: hi.. : i have a little idea about this question.. : because of low power consumption and accurate measurements we can use static relays based on microprocessor in power system networks. also filtering of noise is possible with static relays(based on microprocessor). : also for continious monitoring and security we can use these microprocessors.
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