cmos is from mos family and its unipolar
bjt is current control device
cmos is voltage control device
bjt is used for high current application
cmos is used for high voltage
bjt has not high input impedance
cmos has high input impedace
bjt has some what more static power consumption
cmos has zero static power consumption prominient advantage
Disadvantage:Easy to damage when compared to BJT
BJT is Bipolar junction transistor FET is Field effect Transistor It is a current controlled device It is voltage controlled device
it is an oscillator
pinagdugtong na madaming amplifier
bjt is bipolar device whr fet is unipolar....fet is input resistance thts y fet gain is less compared to bjt..... The applications that will prefer bipolar junction transistors to field effect transistors are applications that require fast switching.
CMOS is a dynamic power consumer...whereas BJT consumes power always.... cmos consumes power only while switching from one astate to another state...i.e while switching
Disadvantage:Easy to damage when compared to BJT
An advantage of JFET is stable high current operation. A disadvantage of JFET is low capacitance. An advantage of BJT is constant voltage operation. A disadvantage of BJT is low thermal conductance.
CMOS circuits utilize complementary MOSFETs, i.e; NMOS and PMOS devices together in various patterns to create functional blocks like AND or OR gates. However the problem with these types of CMOS circuits is that they are inherently low power circuits. They cannot handle large currents. So when your block needs to have a large fan out (need to drive a large no of outputs, i.e; more current required) CMOS circuits fail. That is why we use BiCMOS. They are very similar to CMOS circuits except for the BJT(Bipolar Junction Transistor) output stage. BJTs are capable of carrying large currents, hence BiCMOS circuits are used in cases of large current requirements.
The advantage is most of the circuit has already been connected up for you and you only have to add a dc power supply and couple of components to set what frequency you want it to work at.
For MOS fabrication, wafers with crystal orientation <100> are used. This helps achieve a lower threshold voltage and for BJT <111> orientation is preferred.
BJT & FET parameters are temperature dependent. In BJT the collector junction resistance decreasing ( collector current increasing) with temperature raise.Due to the highe temperature & current transistor will damage quickly. In FET drain resistance increasing (drain current decreasing ) with increasing temperature.Due to this property it will not damage easily. We can say from the above two statements FET is more temperature stable.FET can use in highe temperature applications.
Bipolar junction transistor(BJT)
Using BJT technology alone would not make a viable microprocessor, as power consumption and heat dissapation would become problematic. Mixed technology BiCMOS complicates the manufacturing process, increasing the shelf cost of the end product.
ApplicationsThe BJT remains a device that excels in some applications, such as discrete circuit design, due to the very wide selection of BJT types available, and because of its high transconductance and output resistance compared to MOSFETs. The BJT is also the choice for demanding analog circuits, especially for very-high-frequencyapplications, such as radio-frequency circuits for wireless systems. Bipolar transistors can be combined with MOSFETs in an integrated circuit by using a BiCMOSprocess of wafer fabrication to create circuits that take advantage of the application strengths of both types of transistor.
They are NPN and PNP. BJT mean bipolar junction transistors. there are two P-N junctions in BJT transisters.