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The development of a new species is called speciation.

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10y ago

Speciation is the term used to describe the development of new species. Mass extinction is the term used to describe species becoming extinct.

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Q: What term describe development of new species and mass extinction?
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What term describes development of new species and a mass extinction?

Evolution is the term that describes development of new species and mass extinction. Over time all living thing have evolved.

What happens during and after a mass extinction?

During: Lots of screaming. After: Much, much less screaming.

What is it called when a high percentage of the species on earth dies off at a particular line?

This would be called a mass extinction or mass die off.This would be called a mass extinction.

What is the name of the process in which groups of species die out?

A mass extinction.

When all the in individuals of a species have died what is it called?

The death of every member of a species is called extinction. When a large number of different species is dies out at the same time it is called mass extinction.

What is the disappearance of a species from all part of an environment?

The disappearance of a species from all parts of an environment is known as extinction. This occurs when the last existing member of a species dies, leading to its complete disappearance from the planet. Extinction can be caused by various factors, including habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and hunting.

Who benefits from mass extinction?

new species that formed to have more space

What does episodic mean?

New species that form right after a mass extinction

When doe extinction occur?

Extinction of a single species can occur at any time if said species in hunted excessively, but mass extinction only occurs every 27 to 33 million years.

What is it called when a high percentage of the species on Earth dies off?

Mass extinction

How mass extinction affected life on Earth?

Mass extinction isn't a natural role in any life-system. They happen as a consequence of some catatrosphic disaster or radical unbalance in the eco-system. As a result of mass extinctions other 'groups' evolve into species that take the place of those exterminated.

What is a mass extinction give an example after you explain what it is?

when at leat half of all the species die