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Wolves do not have good eyesight. When searching for prey, wolves can use their ears to hear an animal a mile away! The ears of a wolf may also be used to hear other wolves howling a long distance...

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Q: What do the ears of wolves do?
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Do gray wolves have small ears?

I would have to say medium ears.

Do wolves have ears?

yes when they have sex with another wolf

Do wolves have vertical ears?

yes when they have sex with another wolf

What do wolves use ears for?

No. Wolves breathe through their mouth or nose. Just like the rest of us mammals.

What is the maned wolves adaptation?

small ears thick fur coat

Are wolves able to flip their ears back?

No but cats can when they feel threatend

What body parts wolves use for survival?

claws teeth eyes ears

Is it possible to have wolf ears on your head?

No, it is not possible for humans to have wolf ears on their head. These are physical characteristics that belong to wolves and cannot be transferred to humans.

What do wolves do to show submission?

They put their ears down and/or put their tail between their hind legs.

What are the release dates for Newton's Apple - 1983 Visual Cliff Heart Ears Pop Chat Wolves 1-5?

Newton's Apple - 1983 Visual Cliff Heart Ears Pop Chat Wolves 1-5 was released on: USA: 12 November 1983

What do wolves use to survive?

they use there fur to keep out the cold they use their teeth to eat food they use their noses to smell prey and other wolves they use their ears to hear prey

What good senses do wolves have?

A wolf's best sense is their nose, but they also have very good ears and keen eyesight.