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As per Biology, any association of 2 organisms where, one of the organisms obtains or exploits something it needs to thrive from the other( called host) but provides no benefit in return rather may be detrimental to its host's survival is a parasite.


Tapeworm found in animal intestine.

common example Louse, which is a blood sucking parasite which may aid transmitting microbial diseases.

A human being exploiting the Natural Resources of earth may also be termed as demonstrating parasitic behaviour towards the planet.

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Carmella Mosciski

Lvl 10
3y ago
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15y ago

Mosquitos, they such human (the hosts) blood and gain protein from it while the human can get diseases and big red bumps Mosquitos, they such human (the hosts) blood and gain protein from it while the human can get diseases and big red bumps Mosquitos, they sting human (the hosts) blood and gain protein from it while the human can get diseases and big red bumps Mosquitos, they sting human (the hosts) blood and gain protein from it while the human can get diseases and big red bumps

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12y ago

One is the strangler fig. It seems to be a fragile little vine clinging to a big tree for support, but eventually it will effectively steal all the tree's nutrients and the tree will die.

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Q: What are some examples of parasitism in the tropical dry forest?
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