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48 miles per hour

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Q: How fast can a maned wolf run?
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What does a maned wolf do to protect its young?

What does a maned wolf do to protect its young?

Is The maned wolf Endangerd?

Yes the maned wolf is endangered.By:National Geographic

Where do maned wolves live?

The Maned Wolf is the largest canine in South America. also the plural of wolf is wolves not wolfs.

What is the habitat of the maned wolf?

The Maned Wolf can be found in the grasslands, scrubs and agricultural areas of central and eastern South America.

Is the maned wolf endangered?

No. Maned wolves are listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN.

Is a maned wolf innovative?


What does the maned wolf do for amusement?

Teaches its pups to hunt.

How do you pass lone wolf?

run as fast as you can.

How fast can a tiger wolf run?

The thylacine, sometimes called a tiger wolf, is extinct and does not run now.

How do you get a maned wolf on tap zoo?

Puma and snow leapord

Why is the maned wolf endandered?

The maned wolf is considered near threatened, and is listed by the Brazilian government as vulnerable. The reasons are hunting, loss of natural habitat and automobile traffic. It was widely and erroneously believed that the maned wolf was a chicken thief, and the animal was also hunted because its eyes were considered good luck charms.

What type of wolf is this it looks like an Eastern wolf but it has the color of a Maned or Ethiopian Wolf?

It is most likely a Mexican wolf or a north American grey wolf.