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Q: Which mine can produce the greatest amount of units of electricity before it runs out of coal?
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What is the electricity float in?

The electricity float refers to the gap between when electricity is generated and when it is consumed. It represents the amount of time that electricity can be stored before it is used. This is important for balancing the supply and demand of electricity on the grid.

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Why was Napoleon Bonaparte the greatest general?

He was not the greatest general since he lost the war but he definitely was one of the greatest, never loosing a battle unless he was greatly outnumbered. He conquered a great amount of territory before being captured by great britain.

What was built in 1956 to control the nile river floods and produce electricity?

The Aswan Dam was built in 1956 to control the Nile River floods and produce electricity. Before the dams were built, the Nile River flooded every year during late summer, when water flowed down the valley from its East African drainage basin.

Is dc battry needed for solar energy to produce electricity?

DC battery acts as temporary storage of energy generated from the solar pannel before being used.

Is nuclear energy converted into electricity before used?

Yes, nuclear energy is converted into electricity in a nuclear power plant. The energy produced from nuclear fission reactions is used to heat water and produce steam, which then drives a turbine connected to a generator to generate electricity.

What was used before electricity was discovered?

what was electricity used for when it was dicovered

How do you make an elektromagnet stonger?

~Increase the amount of electricity flowing through it. ~Tighten the wire around it (if there is one) so it is making more coils than before. ~Change the core into one which will conduct electricity better than the other.

What is the largest amount of energy?

gamma rays

What is the time taken for a power station to produce electricity after it is switched on called?

The time taken for a power station to start generating electricity after it is switched on is called the "ramp-up time." This includes the time needed for the turbines to reach their full operational speed and for the electrical systems to stabilize before electricity can be delivered to the grid.

What was it like before electricity?

the time before electricity existed is refered to as "the cingularity". No one can know what it was like before that time since the known laws of physics do not apply before the big bang and are of no consequence in a universe without electricity.

What year was electricity born?

Electricity was not born! It exited long before people, long before the earth or solar system. In fact, electricity was there in seconds after the Big Bang.