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Conventional Electrical theory (simplified) states that electricity flows from positive to negative in contrast to Electron Theory which supposes negative to positive flow of electrons.

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Q: What is the conventional theory of electricity?
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Which direction does voltage travel?

conventional theory is pos to neg. electrical theory is neg to pos.

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What electricity always travels from the To the?

Electricity always flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal in a closed circuit. This flow of electricity is known as the conventional current.

What type of electrical flow does most vehicle use?

Conventional theory.

What is conventional electricity?

Probably the question refers to the sources which provide most of our electricity, like coal and oil, hydro, and nuclear.

What is the electon theory?

The theory belief is that electricity flows from a negative source to a positive source.

What is a conventional theatre performance?

Conventional theatre is made of standard acts that are following aristotle's theory of plot structure. Aristotle said plot (beginning, middle and end) was the most important part of drama, he said it was more important then the characters. That was his theory.

What was Galvanis theory to explain his first investigation?

Galvani's theory to explain his first investigation was that animal electricity was responsible for the contraction of muscles, rather than an external source of electricity. He believed that the electricity originated within the muscle tissue itself, leading to the concept of "animal electricity."

What are conventional source of energy?

For electricity the main conventional fuels are coal and natural gas, and hydro power would also be considered conventional. Nuclear probably not, though it has been in use over 50 years now. For transport and the chemical industry, oil is the main conventional fuel