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The goal of English teachers is to expose students to texts they may not ordinarily come in contact with. Literature opens up a world of various cultures and social levels, both past and present. Literature encourages the reader to think about universal themes which speak to all level of peoples of all times. People usually favor texts that are within their comfort zone which means they may not be challenged to think beyond their immediate level. Comics are fine for relaxation and downtime, or when a person needs a simplification due to low reading comprehension.

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Teachers may discourage students from reading comics because they may feel that comics are less academically rigorous or do not offer the same depth of literary analysis as traditional literature. However, comics can still be a valuable form of storytelling that can engage readers in different ways and offer unique perspectives on narrative and visual storytelling. It's important for teachers to recognize the value of all forms of reading and encourage students to explore a variety of genres and mediums.

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When are teachers scared of students?

This is a sad question. Teachers should never be scared of students, and the only way in which students should be scared of teachers is being scared they will make a bad grade!Teachers nowadays are scared of violent students, because children and teens are not in control of their emotions and do stupid things before they think about them.

Which software application can best help teachers determine their students' average grades?

A grading software such as PowerSchool or Infinite Campus would be ideal for teachers to calculate students' average grades efficiently. These platforms allow teachers to input grades, track progress, and generate reports to determine the average grades of their students.

Why are teachers the blame for plagiarism?

Teachers are not solely to blame for plagiarism, as it is ultimately the responsibility of students to be honest in their work. However, some argue that teachers may inadvertently contribute to plagiarism by not clearly educating students on proper research and citation practices, or by not emphasizing the importance of academic integrity. It is important for both teachers and students to work together to prevent instances of plagiarism.

Should the teachers pay the students for going to school?

In Sweden, school teachers give students $60 for coming to school on time. But I think that should not happen here. So no.

How can teachers performance affects the students performance?

Teachers' performance can impact students' performance through their ability to engage students, provide clear instruction, offer support and feedback, and create a positive classroom environment. Effective teachers can inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential, while poor teaching can result in disengagement and lower academic achievement.

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The noun in the sentence is "students" and "teachers" as they refer to people.

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why should teachers challenge students

What do teachers teach children in literature?

The teaching of literature involves learning how to read and appreciate books, poems and plays, how these are constructed, and hopefully some introduction to the works of great authors of the present and past. Good teachers will also encourage their students to try and write for themselves.

The average age of a group of teachers and students is 20 The average age of the teachers is 35 The average age of the students is 15 What is the ratio of teachers to students?

1 : 3

Are schools teachers supposed to be nice to the students?

Teachers should treat students in the same manner as they would expect students to treat them.

What causes breakdown in communication between teachers and students?

The breakdown in communication between teachers and students is disrespect. The solution starts with the teachers learning how to behave, instead of reacting to a situation, Behavioral skills are important to teachers and students

What is the Number of teachers per 1000 students in Greenland?

As of 1992-93, there were 835 teachers for 9785 students (, or about 85 teachers per 1000 students.

Either of the students or the teachers can join - is this sentence grammatically correct?

It's not clear - I think you mean, "Either the students or the teachers can join." Or perhaps you mean, "Both students and teachers can join."

How many teachers and students are in Armstrong elementary school in Reston VA?

There are 25 teachers and 487 students.