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A symptom of poor perfomance may be found in classroom and homework completion. Another is the stress of threatened failure. If individuals go over classwork and understand the steps they are likely to do well with the homework and will be able to pass the tests. Individual tutoring, spending classtime going over a problematic homework question and reviewing material helps. When substituting, I would ask for the class to complete one of the problems on the board--everyone participated and those who did not know were eagerly writing the information down.

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Remedies for poor performance in senior secondary school mathematics include seeking extra help from teachers or tutors, practicing regularly to improve understanding, breaking down complex problems into smaller parts, and utilizing online resources for additional support and practice. It may also be helpful to form study groups with peers to discuss challenging topics and work on problem-solving strategies together.

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The effects of instructional materials on the academic performance of secondary school student?

Instructional materials can significantly impact the academic performance of secondary school students by providing visual aids, hands-on tools, and resources to enhance learning. Well-designed instructional materials can make complex concepts more understandable, increase engagement, and support different learning styles, leading to improved comprehension and retention of lessons. Teachers can use a variety of materials such as textbooks, interactive software, multimedia presentations, and laboratory equipment to cater to diverse student needs and create a more interactive and effective learning environment.

What is the kcse code of mugumo girls secondary school?

The KCSE code for Mugumo Girls Secondary School is 11215009.

How does parents financial status influence on students academic performance in secondary schools?

A parent's financial status can impact a student's academic performance in secondary school by providing access to resources such as tutoring, educational materials, and enrichment activities. Financial stability can also reduce stressors related to housing, food insecurity, and access to technology, which can positively impact a student's ability to focus on their studies and succeed academically. However, it is important to note that academic performance is multifaceted and influenced by other factors beyond just financial status.

What is IGCSE math?

IGCSE math stands for International General Certificate of Secondary Education in Mathematics. It is a secondary school qualification typically taken by students aged 14-16 as a preparation for higher-level studies or employment. The syllabus covers topics such as algebra, geometry, statistics, and trigonometry.

Is it better for children to begin to learn a foreign language at primary school than secondary school?

yes, because if you learn the basics of the langauge in a early stage then when they enter secondary school the could improve and go into better details of the langauge

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