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First, job training can be ineffective if the people who come to the training are not attentive, create distractions or bring other work to work on while there.

Secondly, if the subject of the training is not relevant to the actual job being done, it will be ineffective. The training needs to reflect the actual steps and decision points that the task requires from the worker.

Third, the location of the training is important. Desk space, isolation from outside events and noise, room temperature all make a difference.

Fourth, provide a take away handout that concisely reflects the training--or email the document for future reference. This should not just be a copy of the power point presentation.

Fifth, evaluate the effectiveness of the training by surveying the participants. If you have tried to teach some element of problem solving, having them complete a worksheet and discuss it at the end is a helpful way to wrap up the discussion.

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On-the-job training can be ineffective if it lacks structure, feedback, or adequate resources. To ensure its effectiveness, it's important to provide clear learning objectives, regular performance evaluations, access to mentors or trainers, and opportunities for hands-on practice. Additionally, setting up a support system for continuous learning and development can help reinforce on-the-job training and enhance its impact.

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Q: What are some reasons why on the job training can be ineffective and what can be done to ensure its effectiveness?
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Continue Learning about Educational Theory

What are the implications of a changing teacher training?

Changing teacher training programs can lead to better prepared educators who are equipped to meet the evolving needs of students. It can also help promote innovative teaching methods and approaches to education. However, it is crucial to ensure that the changes align with the latest research and best practices in pedagogy to maximize their effectiveness.

What are the steps in training and development?

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Educational planning involves setting goals, designing strategies, implementing policies, and evaluating outcomes to improve the quality and effectiveness of education systems. It encompasses areas such as curriculum development, teacher training, infrastructure improvement, and resource allocation. Effective educational planning aims to ensure access to quality education for all learners, promote lifelong learning, and foster sustainable development.

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Some changes in the educational system that affect paraprofessionals include increased requirements for certification or training, expanded roles and responsibilities in the classroom, and the need for ongoing professional development to support student learning. Additionally, there may be shifts in policies around supervision and evaluation of paraprofessionals to ensure their effectiveness in supporting student achievement.

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The purpose of revising is to improve the clarity, coherence, and effectiveness of your writing. It allows you to refine your ideas, strengthen your arguments, and ensure that your message is communicated clearly to your audience.

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