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In the x86 processor architecture, memory addresses are specified in two parts called the segment and the offset. One usually thinks of the segment as specifying the beginning of a block of memory allocated by the system and the offset as an index into it. Segment values are stored in the segment registers. There are four or more segment registers: CS contains the segment of the current instruction (IP is the offset), SS contains the stack segment (SP is the offset), DS is the segment used by default for most data operations, ES (and, in more recent processors, FS and GS) is an extra segment register. Most memory operations accept a segment override prefix that allows use of a segment register other than the default one.

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2mo ago

Segment registers are special-purpose registers in x86 architecture that are used to store the starting memory address of different segments of memory. These segments include code, data, stack, and extra segments. Segment registers are used to access specific areas of memory and are essential for managing memory segmentation in x86 systems.

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there are 14 registers in 8088 micro processor. All the 14 are 16 bit registers. They are4 segment registers viz - code segment register, stack segment register, data segment register, extra segment register.general registers are - accumulator register i.e. AX, base register i.e. BX, count register i.e. CX, data register i.e. DX and stack pointer (SP), base pointer (BP).index registers are - source index(SI), destination index(DI),and the other registers are instruction pointer and flags register.

How does an 8088 microprocessor generate physical address?

8086 has memory divided into segments.Each segment has its particular register like ES, DS, SS, CD (extra segment, data segment, stack segment and code segment).These registers hold the base address BA.Now, there two base registers(BX and BP) and two index registers(SI and DI) in 8086. These registers hols the effective address EA.Now Physical address PA is sum of EA and BA.That is,PA = BA+EA

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There are four segment registers in the 8086/8088, Code Segment (CS), Stack Segment (SS), Data Segment (DS), and Extra Segment (ES). As a result, there are four segments that can be directly addressed at a particular time, i.e. without an extra instruction to reload a segment register.

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