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Bastet had 1 sister and 0 brothers. Her twin sister's name was Sekhmet. Hope that helped!! :]

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10mo ago

In Egyptian mythology, Bastet was commonly associated with her sister, Sekhmet. Sekhmet was often depicted as a lioness goddess while Bastet was represented as a cat goddess. Both sisters were powerful and revered in ancient Egypt.

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Q: Did Bastet have a sister
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Did Bastet have any kids?

Sekhmet was Bastet's twin sister. Bastet had no brothers.

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Bastet didn't have a sister. But she had a brother named Horus.

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Did Bastet the Egyptian god have any brothers or sisters?

Bastet had a twin sister Called Sekhmet who later on had a son called Maahes but she did not have any brothers

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her dad was Re or Ra, she didn't have a mom, her twin sister was Sekhmet and her brother was Horus.

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nothing Bastet is a cat goddess

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