Because many people like to study Latin and a half of the worlds population originates from Latin and we still use it in our day to day languages.
Latin speakers became dead.
no its a dead language
it means that the dead language Latin is now dead
Latin is a dead language so, technically, there is no Latin pronunciation.
Latin is a dead foreign language along with Ancient Greek.
Latin's a dead language. You don't say anything in it.
Example: "Latin is now a dead language."
Latin is commonly known as a 'dead language' because no one currently speaks it as their native language (their first language, mother tongue, etc.). However, there are a small number of fluent Latin-speakers.
Certainly. Many Latin classes today practice speaking the Latin language. However, Latin is commonly known as a "dead language" because it is no longer spoken as a native language.
Most of the scientific names for animals are derived from Latin language. Latin is, however, considered a dead language.
Latin is the dead language that gave us many prefixes in English. Many English prefixes come from Latin roots and have been adopted into the language to create new words and expand vocabulary.
Latin is considered a dead language because it is no longer the native language of any community. It is still used in certain contexts such as in the Catholic Church, legal terminology, and scientific names, but it is no longer spoken colloquially. The evolution of Latin into modern Romance languages contributed to its decline as a spoken language.