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Q: Why Koreans touch tongue then nose with their finger in Korean dramas?
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Why do Koreans touch their index finger to their tongue a couple of times?

to remove cramps

Is the tongue or finger more sensitive?

The tongue is generally more sensitive than the finger when it comes to detecting taste sensations. This is because the tongue has specialized taste buds that can detect different flavors, while the fingers are more equipped for touch and pressure sensitivity.

Is there anything a penis can do that a finger or tongue cant do?


What else can activate touchpad beside your finger?

your tongue can

Do humans have a unique tongue print?

Yes, like fingerprints, tongue prints are unique to each individual due to the specific arrangement of papillae and taste buds. However, tongue prints are not commonly used for identification purposes like fingerprints.

Can tongue resist more heat than finger?

Yes, the tongue can tolerate higher temperatures than the finger because it has tougher tissue and a thicker outer layer. However, it is still possible to burn and damage the tongue by exposing it to extreme heat.

How some physical pressure can be applied to the urethera?

digitally with a finger or tongue

What language does j-hope speak?

J-Hope, a member of the South Korean boy band BTS, speaks Korean as his mother tongue. He is fluent in Korean and has also studied English.

How do you say Rachel in Korean?

I think it's 레이첼 Leh-ee-chel (curl your tongue at the l's, the Korean language doesn't actually have any R's)

Why does your tongue stick to ice pops?

Upon your tongue's contact with the ice pop, the saliva on your tongue freezes, thus giving the effect that your tongue sticks to the ice pop. The same effect can be achieved by dipping your finger in water, then touching it to the ice pop.

Does it hurt if you put out a match with your finger?

No, not if you lick your finger. There is also this really cool trick where you can put a match out with your tongue, just look it up on "Scam School"

Do girls like the finger and the tongue at the same time above all else?

In my opinion, I love it when my man put his finger into the vagina. I like it when we have sexual intercourse.