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famous writer and painter

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Q: Who is Mac Slavo?
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Slavo Kukić was born in 1954.

When was Slavo Drozd born?

Slavo Drozd was born on March 21, 1931, in Vrtky, Czechoslovakia.

When did Slavo Drozd die?

Slavo Drozd died on July 13, 2008, in Bratislava, Slovakia of cancer.

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How do you say mactan?

"How to say Mactan?", you asked. Well, here's how: mək TäN' You say Mactan (as in the name of the Filipino Island) like this: Say Mac as in McDonald's --- the fast-food restaurant Say tän as in Täng (it sounds like TOWN). By the way, Täng is A Chinese dynasty (618-907) that was known for its wealth and its encouragement of the arts and literature. Say Mactan at least 25 times, and you will remember it for life: mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN macTAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN macTAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN mac TAN