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Someone jumping rope

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Q: Which of these would be a good image to help you remember the meaning of the word expedite?
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industry - ants and anthill urban -row of tall buildings enigma - question mark

If I go to Mexico would I be expedite you back to Indiana?


How can you use the expedite in the sentence?

We need to expedite the process; can you look into ways to speed things up? The Smiths thought it would take weeks to find the right present for their daughter's graduation, but they were able to expedite their search with an online guide and they found the perfect gift right away. The laboratory will expedite the analysis; we'll have the results tomorrow.

When might you use a mental image?

You would use a mental image if you were daydreaming or if you were experiencing something that your mind would not accept (Something disturbing, unbelievable, etc.). You could also use a mental image when you are trying to remember something or picture the result of an action or possibility.

which of these would be a good image to help you picture the meaning of the word kinetic (apex English )?

An image of a moving car or a person running would be good to help visualize the meaning of the word "kinetic," as it relates to motion and energy in a physical sense.

Would be a good image to help you picture the meaning of the word acrimonious?

Two people with raised fists

What is the opposite of expedite?

The opposite of expedition (speeding up, advancing) would be hindrance or delaying.

What would be a good image to help you picture the meaning of the word aren't?

the red cross, like on a "no smoking" sign.

What image would be the best way to remember the definition of lethargy?

Imagine a sloth moving in slow motion, barely able to lift its limbs. This visual representation captures the meaning of lethargy - a state of feeling sluggish, lazy, and lacking energy.

What synonyms could be used in place of the word expedite?

Some synonyms in place of the word expedite would be accelerate, hurry, hasten, quicken, speed, rush, prompt, advance, benefit, boost, further, hype or push.

How do you use the word imagery in a sentence?

He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.He had an image of what his hero would be like.