There are over 6000 Languages in the world, and the majority of them use the Latin-based alphabet. Here is a partial list:
There is no English alphabet: English is written with the Latin alphabet. as of the 21st Century, more languages use Latin-based alphabets than any other (more than 1000 languages).
The majority of languages in the world with an alphabet are based on the Latin alphabet. Virtually all of the countries of North America, South America, Australia, and Western Europe use the Latin Alphabet. A Notable exception is Greece, which uses the Greek alphabet.
The ancient Romans used the alphabet we use: the Latin alphabet. Latin was their language. Western languages have adopted and adapted the Latin alphabet.
The vast majority of African languages use the Latin alphabet. Most of the remaining languages use the Arabic alphabet. There are a few native scripts, such as Amharic. Somali used to have a unique script, but today uses the Latin alphabet.
All languages that use the Latin alphabet have the letter A, which is more than 1000 languages. There is also a very similar looking letter in both the Cyrillic alphabet and the Greek alphabet.
As of the 21st Century, more than 1000 Languages use variations of the Latin alphabet, including:AfrikaansBariCatalánDanishDutchEnglishFrenchGermanHungarianIndonesianItalianJavaneseKapingamarangiMalaysianNorwegianPortugueseOjibweQuechuaRomanianSpanishSwedishTagalogUme SámiVietnameseWalloonXhosaYorubaZulu
No, the Latin alphabet is not identical to the English alphabet. The Latin alphabet is the basis for many languages, including English, but there are differences in the letters and their usage across different languages.
Some Slavic languages that use the Latin alphabet include Polish, Croatian, Slovenian, and Slovak. These languages have adopted the Latin script due to historical influences and linguistic reforms.
If you are asking what alphabet is used in Native American reservations, the answer is that ALL Native Americans speak English and use the English version of the Latin alphabet. Most reservations that use native languages alongside English, also use the Latin alphabet for those languages, with a few exceptions, such as Cherokee.
The Phoenician alphabet, from which the Greek and Latin alphabets were developed.
Most of the languages on Earth are NOT written with the Latin alphabet, including:ArabicBengaliChineseDzongkhaEtruscanFaliscanGeorgianHebrewIngushJapaneseKoreanLaoMalayalamNabataeanOriyaPersianQashqaiRussianSinhalaThaiUrduVaiWestern Neo-AramaicXamtangaYiddish
Languages that use the Roman alphabet are typically referred to as "Latin script languages" or "Roman script languages." This system of writing is based on the Latin alphabet and is widely used around the world for various languages, including English, Spanish, French, and many others.