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Well, the closest area for which you can study Paleontology would be in the area of geology. UP Diliman is the premier institution in geological/earth science in the Philippines. The National Institute of Geological Science is situated in the university and provides outstanding quality education and professional training to its students. However, geology is a general area which includes paleontology. You can specialize in paleontology though by furthering your studies in the graduate programs or by being a part of their labs, specifically, nannoworks lab. However, the type of paleontology that UP Diliman focuses on is not the "dinosuar-type" of paleontology since there's no relevance in studying them, knowing that there are no dinosaur fossils found in the philippines. However, the nannoworks lab does similar researches and studies that are synonymous to paleontologsts's, they study microorganisms and remains in earth materials to deduce the history of the earth. BTW, I'm a student in NIGS!

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