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Q: What term best characterizes cost benefit analysis?
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What characterizes cost-benefit analysis?

Cost-benefit analysis is rational.

Which of the following terms best characterizes cost-benefit analysis?


What is the purpose of using a cost benefit analysis?

You would use a cost-benefit analysis to see what the best approach would be to a problem. It helps you know what alternative is best in terms of effort, time, and cost.

When will a cost benefit analysis be done?

when will a cost benefit analysis be done

What is the best characterizes the factors invovled in a cost benefit analysis?


What describes the purpose of using cost-benefit analysis?

to make decisions that maximize benefitsThe purpose of using cost-benefit analysis is to determine the options that provide the best approach for the practice and adoption in terms of cost savings, time and labor. The cost benefit analysis is also called a benefit cost analysis.To make decisions that maximize benefits

What best characterizes the factors involved in cost befit in analysis?

There are both monetary and non-monetary considerations that must be taken into account.

When will a cost analysis be done?

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the strangth and weaknesses ofsocial cost benefit analysis

What do you understand by cost-benefit analysis and what are its uses and limitations?

What do you understand by cost analysis

What is the definition of a business cost analysis?

A cost benefit analysis is done to determine how well, or how poorly, a planned action will turn out. Although a cost benefit analysis can be used for almost anything, it is most commonly done on financial questions. Want to know whether that new machine is worth the cost? Do a cost benefit analysis. Not sure whether that proposed marketing campaign is a good idea? Do a cost benefit analysis. Worried about which health care plan to select for your employees? Do a cost benefit analysis. It's a great tool.

Consumers use cost-benefit analysis in order to maximize what?

Consumers use cost-benefit analysis in order to maximize utility.