The penultimate syllable is next to the last.
The antepenultimate syllable is the one before the penultimate syllable, or third from the last.
The preantepenultimate syllable is the one before the antepenultimate syllable, or the fourth from the last.
The word "radiator" has the "ai" sound at the end of a syllable.
Celebration has an a at the end of a syllable: celebration.
"End." the word has only one syllable.
The syllable break in the word "hole" is at the end of the word, making it a single syllable word.
The syllable added to the end of a word is called a suffix. It can modify the meaning or change the grammatical function of the word.
The spelling "oy" is usually found at the end of a word or syllable.
The word 'end' contains one syllable.
Celabration, and ache.
Are is the three letter word. Add an A to the end and you have Area.
Radio has an open syllable with 'a' at the end: Ra-di-o.Volcano has an open syllable with 'a' at the end: Vol-ca-no.Savior does not have an open syllable with 'a' at the end: Sav-ior.Nature has an open syllable with 'a' at the end: Na-ture.Unable has an open syllable with 'a' at the end: Un-a-ble.