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Oftentimes, during a job interview, the hiring manager will ask a candidate why he is a good fit for the position. The candidate should answer with their experience, their reasons for wanting the job, and emphasizing how much they desire the position.

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15y ago

This is one of the types of question that you may get at an interview; they are intended to get you to talk about yourself in a fairly informal manner. The questions are usually about some aspect of your own life so it is not possible for anyone else to answer them for you.

You should think carefully, before attending the interview, about such questions as this so as to be prepared when asked. There are several such questions and there is a great deal of information on the internet and elsewhere about techniques to employ when attending interviews.

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14y ago

Iam a better fit for this position because,am qualified and i have whait takes for it especiall the experience.

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