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well done i know it ios poo

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Q: What is the suffix for beauty?
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suffix used for beauty?

beauty + full = beautiful. In this, FULL is a suffix which is placed after the root word BEAUTY to form another word which is BEAUTIFUL here

Which is the meaning of the suffix -ful in beautiful?

full of beauty !

Is there a suffix word for beauty?

Yes, a suffix that can be added to beauty to change its form is "-ful," creating the word "beautiful."

What is the prefix of word beautiful?

There's no prefix in the word "beautiful". There's only a suffix, which is "-ful".

Is beautiful a root word?

Yes, because an affix or suffix has not been added to it. With beauty you can add the suffix (ful) to the end and take away the y and replace it with i, making it beautiful.The root word is the word you start with before adding an affix or suffix.

Choose the best meaning for this suffix.-ics?

The study of.

What is the suffix of the word beauty?

beautiful - beautiful(ly), beautiful(ness)

Does the word beautiful have a suffix?

Yes, the word "beautiful" has a suffix. The suffix is "-ful," which is added to the root word "beauty," to create the adjective "beautiful."

Which suffix means 'full of'?

The suffix for full of is -ful.The suffix -ous can mean having the qualities of or abounding in.

What is the two suffix words for beauty?

Lovely, de-lish (short for delicious), glamor, polish, and allure.

Is beautiful a compound?


What are some words that have a suffix ty and prefix dis?

-ty: Beauty, royalty, forty. dis-: Dislike, disengage, disquiet, dismember.