Some words that rhyme with "malabis" in Arabic are "tanasib" (تناسب) meaning "correspondence" and "mudabbir" (مدير) meaning "manager."
Yes, Arabic is a phonetic language, meaning that the pronunciation of words is generally consistent with their spelling.
It's the name of a Tunisian region, but It's not an Arabic word. It's derived from the words Air and Anna.
There is no Arabic word Mishari (مشاري), so it has no meaning. Perhaps it is a person's name or a word from Farsi or Urdu written in Arabic letters. Both Farsi and Urdu are very different from Arabic and so the words do not overlap. Alternatively, it may be a word from an uncommon dialect of Arabic that may be difficult to recognize.
"Hajirunnisa" is a Muslim name of Arabic origin meaning "emigrant of women." It is a combination of the words "hajir" (emigrant) and "nisa" (women).
The Arabic phrase "aiwa kwais Miya Miya" does not have a specific meaning in Arabic. "Aiwa" means "yes" and "kwais" means "good," but "Miya Miya" does not have a known meaning in Arabic. It is possible that it is a phrase in a dialect or slang that is not widely recognizable.
The best place to find definitions of Arabic words in Arabic is in an Arabic dictionary, either in book form or online.
Islam is a religion and not a language. You can spell words in Arabic (the language is which the Kuran is taught), but not 'in Islam'
The name Shukri means "thankful" or "grateful" in Arabic.
Asadullah is an Arabic name composed of two words: "Asad" meaning lion and "Allah" meaning God. So, the name Asadullah translates to "lion of God".
In Persian it means benefit, as in it is in my benefit to take my vitamins every day. Persian derives most of its root words from Arabic. I hope this helps in any way.
"shea" has no meaning in Hebrew. This is not a Hebrew word. You may be thinking of the Arabic word Shay' (شيء) which means "thing" or the Arabic word Shai (شاي) which means "tea". The Hebrew words for these are distinctly different.