They are very different, and very much alike. Irish is in the Goidelic branch of Celtic languages, and Welsh is in the Brythonic branch. Some scholars label these branches q-Celtic and p-Celtic, respectively, according to whether the initial consonant of certain interrogative words and pronouns is a velar or a labial plosive. For example, cad? is the Irish (q-Celtic) for what? while the Welsh (p-Celtic) it is pa?
Irish are considered to be one of the six Celtic nations. You can be Celtic and not be Irish. Irish, Scots Highlanders, Manx, Welsh, Bretons and Cornish are all Celts. Sometimes the Galicians are included.
The Welsh take pride in their native language; the Irish do not.
Welsh & Irish
Dillon is of Irish nationality.
the Irish are from Europe and Americans are from North America.
No.Her ethnicity:*62.5% Welsh*25% Irish*12.5% English
No, he is Irish.
Her ancestry is given as English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish
a y
Griffin can be of Irish, Welsh or Swedish origin.
No. It is of Welsh origin and is spelled Ifan [eevan] in the Welsh language.