To live without regrets is an English equivalent of 'Vivere senza rimpianti'. The words in Italian are pronounced 'VEE-veh-reh SEHN-tsah reem-PYAHN-tee'.
In the word by word translation, the infinitive 'vivere'means 'to live'. The preposition 'senza' means 'without'. The masculine noun 'rimpianti' means 'regrets'.
"To live without regrets" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere senza rimpianti.
Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The preposition senza means "without." The masculine noun rimpianti means "regrets."
The pronunciation is "vee-VEH-reh SEHN-tsah reem-PYAHN-tee."
Ricordati di vivere senza rimpianto is an Italian equivalent of 'Remember to live without regret'. The imperative 'ricorda' means '[you] remember'. The reflexive 'ti'means yourself'. The preposition 'di' means 'of'. The infinitive 'vivere' means 'to live'. The preposition 'senza' means 'without'. The masculine noun 'rimpianto' means 'regret'. All together, they're pronounced 'ree-KOHR-dah-tee Dee VEE-veh-reh SEHN-tsah reem-PYAHN-toh'.
vivere senza rimpianti
Italy: Difficile vivere senza rimpianti
Amore senza rimpianti in Italian means "Love without regrets" in English.
You say "Vivere e amare senza rimpianti".
Vivere Senza Rimpianti
"Vivere senza rimpianti" meaning to live life without regrets
lei vive senza rimpianti
"Live without fear" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Vivere senza paura.Specifically, the infinitive vivere means "to live." The preposition senza means "without." The feminine noun paura means "fear."The pronunciation is "VEE-veh-reh SEHN-tsah POW-*rah."*The sound is similar to that in the English exclamation of pain "Ow!"
Ti amo con tutta l'anima! Non posso vivere senza te! in Italian "I love you with all my soul! I can't live without you!" in English.
"Nohn POHS-soh VEE-vey-rey SEHNT-tsah dee tey" is the pronunciation of the Italian phrase Non posso vivere senza di te.Specifically, the adverb non means "not." The verb posso means "(I) am able, can." The infinitive viveremeans "to live." The prepositional phrase senza di means "without." The personal pronoun te means "(informal singular) you."
Vivere senza rimpianto is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "To live without regret".Specifically, the verb vivere is "to live". The preposition senza means "without". The masculine noun rimpianto translates as "regret".The pronunciation will be "VEE-vey-rey SEHN-tsah reem-PYAHN-toh" in Italian.
Non posso vivere senza voi e rendete la mia vita completa