My sweetheart or Sweetheart of mine may be English equivalents of 'Dolce mia'. The adjective/noun 'dolce' is pronounced 'DOHL-cheh', and means 'sweet, sweetheart'. The feminine possessive 'mia' is pronounced 'MEE-ah', and means 'my'.
"My sweet" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase mia dolce. The pronunciation of the feminine singular possessive and pronoun will be "MEE-a DOl-tchey" in Italian.
"Sweetheart" in English is dolce in Italian.
Mia dolce italiana in the feminine and mio dolce italiano in the masculiine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "my Italian sweetheart." Context makes clear which form suits. The respective pronunciations will be "MEE-a DOL-tchey EE-ta-LYA-na" in the feminine and "MEE-o DOL-tchey EE-ta-LYA-no" in the masculine in Italian.
"Dolce" means sweet or candy.
Mia innamorata in Italian means "my beloved" in English.
"Gentle" is an English equivalent of the Italian musical term dolce. The pronunciation of the feminine/masculine singular adjective will be "DOL-tchey" in Italian.
"Sweet toothpaste" in English is dentifricio dolce in Italian.
Vino dolce is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "sweet wine." The masculine phrase also may be found as dolce vino, to stress the sweetness. The pronunciation will be "VEE-no DOL-tchey" in Pisan Italian.
"I love you, sweet life!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Ti amo, la dolce vita! The second person informal singular pronoun, first person singular present indicative, and feminine singular definite article, feminine/masculine singular adjective, and feminine singular noun model a difference between the two languages, with Italian employing la -- in this case -- where English uses no "the." The pronunciation will be "tee A-mo la DOL-tchey VEE-ta" in Italian.
dolce principessa italiana
"Slow (and) sweet moving" is an English equivalent of the Italian masculine singular musical phrase Andante dolce. The pronunciation will be "an-DAN-tey DOL-tchey" in Italian.
"Sweet man" in English means uomo dolce in Italian.