Deedat has no meaning in English. It is an Arabic name.
The literal meaning of the Arabic word "ma'afan" in English is "putrefactive". This is taken from the Arabic-English dictionary in the related links.
عبادي=‏my servants
fi (في) = in
The word akh, spelled in the Arabic language as اخ, means "brother" in English.
Sharmuta (شرموطة) is an Arabic curse word meaning "bitch" or "whore".
The English word "syrup" is derived from the Arabic word "sharab," which means "beverage" or "drink."
When the Arabic word intifada is translated into English, its literal meaning is 'shaking off". The more common English meanings of the word are uprising, rebellion or resistance.
The word may come from an Arabic word meaning "caller" or "announcer."
Kawa is an Arabic word which passed into French, meaning 'coffee'. It is used informally.