I speak Arabic but most of the time i use 'baby' they'll understand but for a child or infant you could say 'jahil'
:) Hope I helped :)
If you mean "baby" referring to a newborn child, the Arabic is 6efl (طفل). If you mean "baby" as an endearing term for a girlfriend, the Arabic is 7abibi (حبيبي). Note: 6 is the Arabic "Ta" which is stronger than the letter "t" and 7 is the Arabic "Ha" which is stronger than the letter "h". The transliteration of baby is (بيبي).
Beautiful, its for baby boy
One example of a baby name that is both Spanish and Arabic is "Leyla," which means "night" in Arabic and has roots in Spanish as well.
Maya means baby bird in Arabic. !! U
baby in normal Arabic : tefel ,,, written as : طفل in Egyptian accent you say : ayyel or ayyel soghayyar hope this helps :)
Beautiful, its for baby boy
Habeebty el Sgheereh
عجل - "calf"(a baby camel - calf)
elephant is said in Arabic as " feel" & written as فيل baby elephant is said as " sagheer al-feel " & written as صغير الفيل
عندك طفل. And you can pronounce it: endak tefel
waladi- boy, binti- girl