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Butune is a nonsubstituted alkane that can exist as one of only two isomers.

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Q: What is an nonsubstituted alkane that can exist as one of only two isomers?
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How many isomers for dibromopropane?

There are two isomers for dibromopropane: 1,2-dibromopropane and 2,2-dibromopropane.

How many isomers in C2H4Br2?

This compound (dibromomethane) has only one form. It does not form isomers .

An alkane is defined by?

In Science an alkane is a paraffin, an organic compound and is a saturated hydrocarbon. Made up of only carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Is 3-methyloctane an alkane an alkene or alcohol?

3-methyloctane is an alkane because it consists entirely of carbon-carbon single bonds. Alkanes are hydrocarbons made up of only single bonds.

Is methane a alkane?

no.all alkenes end with 'ene' .methane is not an alkene cause it does not end with 'ene'.it is an alkane cause it ends with 'ane'

Are butane and isobutane substituted hydrocarbons if not what are they?

Butane and isobutane are both alkane hydrocarbons. They are not substituted hydrocarbons, as they contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms in their structure. Substituted hydrocarbons would have other elements or functional groups replacing some of the hydrogen atoms in the molecule.

What chemical series does methane belong to?

In chemistry, ethanol is a classified as an "alkane". It is also grouped as one of many "hydrocarbons", meaning it consists of only hydrogen and carbon atoms. It is also an "alcohol". I think ethane (alkane) and suffix of alcohol is how its name is derived.

How many isomers for C2H4Cl2?

only two structural isomers are possible, 1-chloropropane and 2-chloropropane

How many isomers of c2h2cl2 are polar?

All isomers of c2h2cl2 are polar because of the presence of chlorine atoms, which are highly electronegative and result in an unequal sharing of electrons in the molecule.

Can molecular formula be used to show difference between isomers?

No, molecular formula alone cannot show the difference between isomers. Isomers have the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements of atoms. Additional information, such as structural formula or connectivity of atoms, is needed to differentiate between isomers.