Shen is not a German word. The closest would be the suffix -chen. It is added to words to form their diminutive and used to indicate something small e.g.
Kind - Kindchen
Stube - Stübchen
Bube - Bübchen
Stadt - Städtchen
But isn't a German word.
parish. do you mean German word? if that's what you meant, then no. it's English. parish. do you mean German word? if that's what you meant, then no. it's English. parish. do you mean German word? if that's what you meant, then no. it's English.
The German word "besuchen" translates to "visit" in English.
The German word "nun" translates to "now" in English.
Oxded is not a German word
That word is not German, sorry.
The German word herr is equivalent to the English word Mister.
The German words "aus unserem" mean "from our" in English.
The word "und" in German means "and" in English.
Rapsfelder is the German word for rape.
Nochter is not a German word
The German word "Gesicht" translates to "face" in English.