Well, I believe that "tanoshimi" means "enjoyment" or "pleasure". But I am not sure what "naran-da" means.
Tanoshimi ni shiteimasu, or alternatively, waku waku shimasu.
do it for me
The 'wo' is not necessary. It would mean 'would you please marry me?'.
"Dono yo ni shite iru" can be translated as "How are you doing?" in English. It is a formal way to inquire about someone's well-being in Japanese.
"Why did I have to fall in love with this boy?"
Casually: 親切にして (shinsetsu ni shite) Politely: ご親切にして下さい (go shinsetsu ni shite kudasai)
Dono yō ni anata ga kankei shite irun desuka.
Shizuo Suyama has written: 'Koshi ni obi shite otokorashiku seyo'
Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru.
Anata ni koi wo shite imasu 'I'm In love with you'
Google translator states it as "Watashi WA kono shitsumon ni tachiōjō shite imasu"
"Okaasan ha anata heya o kirei ni shite to itta."