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To the Greeks, eating the dead bodies of their loved ones is morally wrong, whereas the Callatians believed it was right. Herodotus concluded that there is no objective truth, but rather it depends on the society to determine what is morally right and wrong.

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Q: What does herodotus say about the Greeks and the callatians?
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What is Herodotus known for?

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The dynasty was the Argead Dynasty from Argos in the Peloponnese. The Macedonians were thought to not be considered as Greek by the Greeks or by themselves but that is an unsubstantiated theory that has clearly been disproven. Herodotus: [V.22]: "And that these descendants of Perdikkas are Hellenes, as they themselves say, I happen to know myself...". Herodotus: [IX.45] quoting Alexander I, "…for I should not utter them if I did not care greatly for the general safety of Hellas, seeing that I AM A HELLENE MYSELF BY ANCIENT DESCENT and I should not wish to see Hellas enslaved instead of free."

Who introduced the alphebet to the Greeks?

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What was Herodotus's job?

Herodotus was a Historian.

What is Herodotus's occupation?

Herodotus is a/an Historian

Who introduced the written alphebet to the Greeks?

The Greeks had their own proper alphabet (the first of its kind) as attested by Linear A and Linear B which predates all other alphabets and which it introduced to others. Because of an error by Herodotus it was thought that the Greeks had adopted their alphabet from the Phoenicians but this has been proven to be wrong and the other way around.

What is Herodotus full name?

Herodotus's full name is simply Herodotus. Herodotus was born in 425 BC and is known as the Father of History.