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The four theories of the creation of the state are the following: Divine Right Theory, Social Contract Theory, Evolutionary Theory and Force theory

Force theory should be the easiest to understand. The state is created through some type of struggle or aggression and a people are conquered and assimilated.

Divine Right: The state was created from god and that only those of royal birth could rule that state. Each citizen was bound to god and therefore bound the the king or queen etc..... and to disobey would be a mortal sin

Social Contract Theory: A theory where people agree to form a government for their own preservation and protection. They agree to live within the rules of an established govt as long as that govt provides proection ie. Life, liberty and property

Evolutionary theory: the state grew from the basic family structure and head of the household. Families with mom and dad grew out to include cousins and that grew into communities that grew further out, but the idea is that it started at the most basic level, the family

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Q: What are the four theories of the creation of state?
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