The microbial world is mysterious, threatening, and frightening to
most people. The stressors associated with a biological terrorist attack
could create high numbers of acute and potentially chronic psychiatric
casualties who must be recognized, diagnosed, and treated to facilitate
triage and medical care. Media communications, planning for quarantine
and decontamination, and the role of community leaders are important to
the mitigation of psychological consequences. Physicians will need to
accurately diagnose anxiety, depression, bereavement, and organic brain
syndromes to provide treatment, reassurance, and the relief of pain.
Erthquake, chemial and biological disasters
biological disasters: biological weapons are of several types release of germs or other biological substances which when inhaled or may enter through a cut in the skin, causes contagious diseases and kills people in large number over a period of time.
biological meteorological and geological
Common questions about natural disasters include: What causes natural disasters? How can we prepare for natural disasters? What are the impacts of natural disasters on communities and the environment? How can we mitigate the effects of natural disasters?
Natural disasters leave people homeless because their homes were damaged. Natural disasters can also affect wildlife because they are out in the weather.
Earthquakes are natural as they are caused by tectonic activity and they are known as disasters because the effects of earthquakes can be disastrous.
Biological interactions:Β the effects that the organisms in a community have on one another
Biological disasters belong to the class of natural disasters and define the devastating effects that may be caused by an enourmous spread of a certain kind of living organism - that may be the spread of a disease, a virus, an epidemics, but also just a sudden growth of the population of a certain kind of plants or animals, eg. a locust plague.
Alot of effects happen :)
Anything really. From human interference to natural disasters.
More natural disasters.