See the link below.
Note that the poetry in the Romanian language is extremely foolish and stupid.
The Romanian language equivalent of "How are you ?" is "Ce mai faci ?" (syn. Cum o mai duci ?).
Ce mai faci is the Romanian equivalent of 'How do you do'.
The Romanian language equivalent of How are you is Ce mai faci or Cum o mai duci.
The music video Mai Ai Hee was made by O-Zone. The song's actual name is "Dragostea din tei" but also goes by the name of "Mai Ai Hee" and "Numa Numa".
Ce mai faci is a Romanian equivalent of 'How are you doing'.
The equivalent of "what do you do" in the Romanian language is "ce (mai) faci ?"
Sunt bine is a Romanian equivalent of 'I am fine'.
The Romanian language equivalents of no more are nu mai, nimic mai mult, doar atît.
"hello" has in Romanian several variants: SALUT, BUNĂZIUA. "how are you" can be translated by: CE (MAI) FACI/CE MAI ZICI?
tee hee
The Romanian language equivalent of How are you is Ce mai faci.
The Romanian language equivalent of "how are you doing" is "ce mai faci".