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Agapi mou (agApee moo) = my love

Hriso mou (ChreesO moo= where the 'ch' is like in Scottish 'loch') = my golden one/ my dear

Moro mou (morO moo) = my baby

Matia mou (mAtya moo) = my eyes / my dear

Glykia mou (gleekyA moo) = my sweet

Psihi mou (pseechEE moo) = my soul

Kardia mou (karthiA moo - the 'th' is like in English 'then') = my heart

Hope this helps !

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Q: What are greek terms of endearment that a lover would use?
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I've heard that "coccolissimo" means "cuddler" (male form).

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A ghra' is an Irish term of endearment meaning love. Another example would be A mhuirnin which means darling.

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"Papou" is a term of endearment for "grandfather" in Greek. It is commonly used by grandchildren to refer to their grandfather.

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An endearment is usually a kind act. It usually doesn't mean you're a pervert. It means you care for that person enough to do something nice for them. When there are negative motives for terms of endearment, sexism or feelings of superiority would be more common than twisted feelings. However, this is fairly uncommon.

What are the words as an endearment for bad boy in Japanese?

Your query is vague. There are terms of endearment in Japanese, but whatever you mean by 'for bad boy', leave me out of it. 君 /ki mi/ is used by males, shows familiarity/endearment 貴方 /a na ta/ used by females towards their lover/husband etc ちゃん /chan/ most common term for this, and used for almost anyone with exception of adult males for each other, in that case it would be considered humorous. 君 /kun/ used in that one place 'chan' can not be used. Between males to show familiarity as well as to show respect. たん /tan/ is used mostly in manga/anime and is colloquial term for endearment.

What would you call a woman that loves nature?

I would go with naturalist or just nature-lover. I haven't heard any gender-specific terms though.

As a premed student would it be more beneficial for me to take greek or latin?

Personally, I would take Greek because so many medical terms come from the Greek, but Latin is useful as well.

What terms would you use to describe 100metres by 100 meters in greek?

One hectare.

What are some common Greek terms of endearment that a grandmother might use?

mana mou matia mou xryso mou moro mou etc == Mana mou means "My mother," so that probably wouldn't be something a grandmother would call a child, but matia mou (my eyes), xryso mou (my gold) and moro mou (my baby) are common.

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hi, philosopher means lover of wisdom!!! {:-) coming from the greek philio and sophia, meaning love and wisdom respectively, so if your name is philip or sophie (or any variations of those like phillipa and sophia), then thats what your name means

What do you do when you see someone you love in someone else's arms?

Well that's not really for someone else to answer as it is what you believe or feel in terms of this. It would make you feel as if you would dump your lover or do what they did to you (revenge basically). 007 SGS

What to gift for my lover?

The best gift for your lover would probably be the Ninjabread Cookie Kit, which costs about $22.95.