4 syllable verbs:
There are many such English words. Affect, content, detail, perfume, permit etc, are nouns when accented on the first, and verbs when accented on the second syllable. If there is name for this kind of word, I do not know it.
Satisfy, answer, differ, wrestle, finish, cover.
macerate, marauding, machinate, machining
Most of them are one syllable verbs: hit, beat, quit, set, spread, cast, etc.
20 examples of 1st syllable
Some are:HadFoundWorkedLearnedPlayedWasWentDancedRan
A 4 syllable word is a word with 4 syllables:)
Acquainted is a three syllable word.
Badger (2)ungenerous (4)
The present participle & past participle.