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In Irish it's "Ó hUaine"

The following names are listed as Irish Gaelic versions of the surname Green(e) in Fr. Woulfe's book of Irish surnames:

de Graoin (of English origin) Limerick, Dublin, Waterford

Ó hUaithne/Ó hUainidhe of W. Cork

Ó hUaithnín of Mayo, Tipperary, Clare

Mac Glasáin/Mac Glaisín of Derry and Louth-Armagh-Monaghan-Fermanagh

Mac Giolla Ghlais of Donegal

Uaithne "some parts of Ireland"

Glas "some parts of Ireland"

Ó hUidhrín in parts of W. Mayo-W. Galway

Ó Fathaigh in some parts of Galway

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12y ago

Unlike English, the Gaelics have different words for green:

In Irish Gaelic:

uaine = vivid green, verdant

glas = green colour; grey colour

In Scottish Gaelic:

uaine = green

glas = grey-green

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13y ago

In Irish it's "de Grae"


The Irish name Mac Giolla Riabhaigh is sometimes anglicised as 'Gray' mainly in Co. Longford.

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13y ago

Tá an talamh glas

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