yes he is an orthodox christian.Also, listen to remember everything and you can tell by that song he isnt a satanist and hes definitely not atheist
Ivan L. Moody was born on 1980-01-07.
No, Ivan Moody does not have a wife at this moment.
Ivan L. Moody is 37 years old. He was born on January 7, 1980.
Ivan Moody was in 4 other bands:ToizBlack Blood OrchestraMotograterGhost Machine
Ivan L Moody's father left his mother when he was born. He and his 2 siblings were put in group homes at young ages due to their behavior problems. He never met his father and Moody's mother has never given up his father's name (If Ivan has even seen his mother since his childhood).
No just a fan
You're moms house.
i pick both!!! ok nevermind i pick Ivan moody
Yes. Ivan Moody has a girlfriend named Holly Smith.
No he really does support the military though.