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Braille is not a language. It is a group of writing systems that are used by people who are blind. If you read braille text aloud, you are reading whatever language the braille was written in. It's not a spoken language, it's a written language so you don't actually speak it.

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7y ago

Braille is not a language. It's a system of reading for blind people. It can be used with any language.

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How do you speak braille on Pokemon?

You can not speak braille on Pokemon.

Do people from Brazil speak braille?

Braille isn't a language. You can't speak it.It's writing system used by blind people all over the world, including Brazil.

Can you speak Braille?

Of course, it is whatever language you are using, just spoken. Braille is an imprinted version of the alphabet so thet blind people can feel the letters with their hands, not a language of its own.

How are braille or sign language used?

There is no connection between Braille and Sign language.Braille is a reading system invented by Louis Braille. Braille is a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired. It is traditionally written with embossed paper. Braille users can read computer screens and other electronic supports thanks to refreshable braille displays. They can write braille with the original slate and stylus or type it on a braille writer, such as a portable braille notetaker or computer that prints with a braille embosser.Sign languages are natural languages that develop among deaf communities. There are hundreds of major sign languages spoken all over the world. Signing involves the hands, arms, face and other body parts to speak, instead of speaking with the vocal cords.

What was Louis Braille mothers name?

lily braille lily braille lily braille

What grave Louis Braille the idea to make the braille?

Louis Braille was inspired to create the braille writing system by the military cryptography system known as "night writing" developed by Charles Barbier. Braille modified this system to create a tactile writing system for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

What did Lewis braille invent?

Lewis Braille invented braille

What Lewis braille invent?

Lewis Braille invented braille

How do you spell braille in braille?


Who invented braille painting?

Louis Braille invented the Braille painting.

Where was braille made?

Braille was devised in 1821 by Louis Braille, a Frenchman.

Who came up with braille?

Louis Braille created Braille, a development of a military system for reading by touch, in the dark.