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Leprechaun is a Gaelic , Irish concept and myth. there is no Spanish equivalent, you might have diminutive of men- (Hombritos -and the adjective for Irish) but as stated, this is an Irish, not an Hispanic concept!

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13y ago

There is no specific word for "leprechaun" in Spanish.

"Duende" is "fairy," which is almost as close as it gets.

"Gnomo" is "gnome," which is also close.

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Q: How do you say leprechaun in Spanish?
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How do you say the word leprechaun in Spanish?

"Leprechaun" in Spanish is "duende". It is pronounced "DWEN-day". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:

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"Leprechaun" in Spanish is "duende". It is pronounced "DWEN-day". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.

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In French, you say leprechaun as "farfadet" or "lutin".

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To get a Spanish-speaker to say the sound 'leprechaun', write it: leprajon, with an accent over the 'e'. The names of the Spanish letters in the word 'leprechaun' are: L - ele (Ellay) E - e (ay) P - pe (pay) R - ere (Erray) E - e (ay) C - ce (thay: like 'say' with a lisp) H - hache (Ahchay) A - a (ah) U - u (oo) N - ene (Ennay) Above are shown the letter(s), their Spanish name, and (in brackets) the approximate English pronunciation of these names.

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Leipreachán means a leprechaun figurine.Lucharachán is the actual translation.Variants are lucharbán, luchargán, lucharpán, luchramán.

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Ill by tootin say yes they are my golly!