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Armageddon in Greek is Armageddon (re: Revelation 16:16).

The name in Hebrew is Megiddo (re: Joshua 12:21).

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Q: How do you say armageddon in Greek?
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What is Armaggedon?

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What is cruel in Greek?

Not a word "creul" in Greek language. If you're asking for "cruel" translated into Greek, here it is: Cruel = ΣΚΛΗΡΟΣ, ΑΝΕΛΕΗΤΟΣ ( = Annihilator ), ΑΡΜΑΓΕΔΔΩΝ (Armageddon, EL AMARGADO* = The embitterer, The provider of bitterness). *that's the Spanish original expression for "Armageddon".

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Lots of people say they don't exist, but i think they do. They say zombies will be here when the Armageddon is happening, And NO one knows when Armageddon is going to happen.

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Armageddon - Armageddon album - was created in 1975-05.

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Armageddon It was created in 1987-01.

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Worms Armageddon was created in 1999.

When was Before Armageddon created?

Before Armageddon was created in 1975.

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