The Scottish Gaelic word seal is pronounced 'shall' and means 'while, space of time'.
That is not a Scottish Gaelic word. It may be a word in the English dialect of Scotland ("Scots" or "Lallans"). Gaelic has no 'w' or 'y'.
The word for perfection in Irish is foirfeacht;in Scottish Gaelic it is spelled foirfeachd.
"Gaelic" can mean "Irish Gaelic' or "Scottish Gaelic". They are classified as two distinct languages.
The word is: 'tidsear', and it's pronounced 'teetsher'.
marcach (roughly markh-gakh)
'Kerr' is not a word in the Irish language.
The ao sounds like a French 'u"(between ee and oo) in Scottish Gaelic.
Irish: cistin (sometimes cistineach) Scottish: cidsin Manx: ?
In Scottish Gaelic the word is romansa.
In Irish it's "shock-loyd" (seacláid)"shak-law-id"Scottish:
The Scottish Gaelic pronunciation would be roughly drooim;The Irish "Gaelic" pronunciation would be like drim.
in Scottish Gaelic: facal.