The Sanctus prayer is in Latin, so it follows ecclesiastical latin pronunciation. In Latin, the consonants are pronounced exactly as they are in English. An exception is 'C' at the beginning of a word which is pronounced like 'Ch' as in 'church'.
Of the vowels, 'A' is pronounced like 'o' as in 'top'.
'E' is pronounced like 'a' as in 'tame'.
'I' is pronounced' like 'e' in 'beep'.
'O' is pronounced like 'o' as in 'tone'.
'U' is pronounced like 'u' as in 'you'.
So the Sanctus is pronounced like this:
Sahnc-toos Sahnc-toos Sahnc-toos. Doe-mee-noos Day-oos sah-bah-ot. Play-nee soont chay-lee et tair-ah glor-ee-ah too-ah. Hoe-zon-ah in ek-shell-sees. Ben-e-deek-toos quee vain-eet in noe-mee-nay Doe-mee-nee. Hoe-zon-ah in ek-shell-sees. Ah-men.
As helpful as these guidelines may be, the best way to learn pronunciation is- if possible- to listen to someone say this prayer, and imitate them syllable by syllable.
The Sanctus is in the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer and is part of the Ordinary of the Mass, i.e. it does not change. The Preface is part of the Proper of the Mass, i.e. it changes according to the Season of the Year.
Kyrie (a simple prayer), Gloria (a long hymn), Credo (a list of the Christian beliefs), Sanctus (another shorter hymn), Agnus Dei (another simple prayer)
African Sanctus was created in 1975.
Taken in context together, "Sanctus" is the acclamation translated as "Holy" found at the opening of the Eucharistic prayer in Roman Catholic Church. "Sanctus"/"Holy" is a reference to the seraphic hymn of Isaiah (Is 6:3) which is also seen in the heavenly liturgy of Revelation (Rev. 4:8). "Benedictus" is the adjectieve "blessed", (Ps 118:26) in reference to those who "come in the name of the Lord". In classical music, these two elements "Sanctus" and "Benedictus" were sung during the consecration of "Traditional" Roman Catholic Mass, the Sanctus immediately prececeding, the Benedictus immediately afterwards. In the modern liturgy, the entire hymn is sung after the preface and before the Eucharistic prayer. The entire acclamation in English as found in the modern liturgy (ICEL): Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might! Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. hosanna in the highest. Latin: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus. Domine Deus sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra et Gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini. Hosanna in excelsis.
A part of the Mass, or, in Protestant churches, a part of the communion service, of which the first words in Latin are Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus [Holy, holy, holy]; -- called also Tersanctus., An anthem composed for these words.
Sanctus Ignis was created on 2001-05-08.
Sanctus Diavolos was created on 2004-09-20.
The Filipino translation of "sanctus" is "banal" or "santo".
Tinnitus Sanctus was created on 2008-11-14.
It is not necassary to pronounce Niyyat (intion) loudly. When you make your Wazu, it is understood tat you are doing it to offer prayer. Intention at heart is necessay.
Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord, God of Sabaoth!Heaven and earth are full of your glory!Hosanna in the highest!Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!Hosanna in the highest!
Attera Totus Sanctus was created on 2005-07-08.